September 5, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #2

Ten Books That Were Tough To Get Through

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme brought to you by the wonderful people at the broke and the bookish. This week's theme involved books that were pretty tough to get through. 

If you've read as many books as I have (or even if you haven't), then you know that not all books are easy reads that you just breeze through. There are also those that you can only manage to read a chapter of at a time. In some cases, the ending is worth it, but in others, not so much...

I've rounded up a list of ten books for you that were somewhat painful at times to get though. Enjoy 😊

1) The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

This was an extremely tough one! In high school I had to read AND do a book report on Hawthorne's greatest work. I was definitely not impressed. The book seemed to drag on for me, and half the time I didn't know what exactly was happening. However, I will give it the benefit of the doubt, since it is a classic and written in old english. It's just not for me!

2) Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

For my english class I was assigned to read this classic and write a report on it during the summer. I took an instant disliking to the novel. I couldn't stand the characters! The novel seemed to go on and on. Later on in the story however, some characters were introduced that I really enjoyed. I kind of want to give this classic another try, since having it assigned to me during the summer could have influenced my opinion of the book. 

3) Dark Secrets by A.M. Hudson

I love fantasy romances, and thought that I would enjoy Dark Secrets. The author boasted that this was first and foremost a romance, not a vampire novel. Ample warning was given about this, but I still don't understand why. I believe that more warning should have been given about how much of a downer the female MC was. It took me almost two months to finish this book...yes two whole months! I love strong characters that can face anything, and this book just didn't have any. 

You can check out my review of Dark Secrets here!

4) Potential by M.L. Ridener

It's not that this book was to hard for me to get through, but it was instead way too easy. I wanted so much more, more story, more descriptions, and definitely more character development. It was the review of this one that was hard for me to get through! Don't get me wrong, Potential does have a LOT of potential.

See my review of Potential here!

5) The Iron in Blood by Jenny Doe

I found this one for free on Amazon, and was instantly intrigued by its description. The actual book however was much less intriguing for me. I just had a really hard time with the story, which was going in a way different direction than what I thought it should be. For me, it was jut a tough one.

6) Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz

This entire series has so many positive reviews, and I thought that I would be one of those people, just in love with the book. However, I wasn't. I haven't read the rest of the series, just the first installment, so I'm hoping that it does get better. I just couldn't seem to get into the story, even though it seemed like something that I would have loved!

7) Burden by Lila Felix

This book reminded me a lot of Potential, great idea but a little lacking. I wanted way more depth to the characters! There were parts that would show a glimmer of hope, but then the story would just move on. It wasn't a long book, but it still took me a while to get though!

Check out my review of Burden here!

8) Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr

This is the only book on this list that I didn't finish. I started this book in junior high, and I'll never forget it. I didn't get far into the book, and I don't remember why exactly I didn't like it. All I remember is returning that book back to the library, way before it was even due. I know that it involves faeries, and I may have picked it up before I really got into the whole paranormal/fantasy genre. However, I don't really know for sure, I could pick it up today and fall head over heels for it!

9) Fate by Amanda Hocking

This was the first series by Amanda Hocking that I read, and I really enjoyed it, however this installment was a bit of a low point for it. The MC was super whiny during this one, which is most likely the cause for my impression of it. I hate whiny characters!

See my review of Fate here!

10) The Awakening by Jayne Faith

I enjoyed the first book in this series, but the second one kind of disappointed me. It took me a while to get through, being that it dragged on. When things started to finally pick up and get interesting, the book abruptly ended mid-sentence! I was not happy!

You can see my review of The Awakening here!

What did you think of the list? Have you ever had a hard time getting through a book?


  1. I read Wuthering Heights as part of a college class - which was geared toward gothic horror, so we really looked at those elements - I loved that part! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. I'm glad that you enjoyed it! It wasn't until towards the end of the book that I actually started to like where the plot was heading!.

  2. I have to admit that I haven't read anything of these myself but I can agree with you on whiny characters. They really are the worst.

    1. I know right! Whiny characters can ruin a great book!
