February 21, 2021

Book Review: Forgiven (The Demon Trappers, Book 3) by Jana Oliver

Title: Forgiven
Author: Jana Oliver
Series: The Demon Trappers #3
Pages: 354
My Rating: ❤❤❤❤

Riley has made a bargain with Heaven, and now they've come to collect.

Lucifer's finest are ruling the streets and it seems that Armageddon might be even closer than Riley imagined. But with her soul and her heart in play it's all she can do to keep herself alive, let alone save the world. Riley's not afraid of kicking some major demon butt, but when it comes to a battle between Heaven and Hell, she might need a little help...

If you're wanting a superficial bubblegum book where everything is hunky dory, this is definitely not the book...make that series, for you! Instead, if you want a book with an intriguing plot that is beautifully orchestrated and one where the characters are multi-layered, then this may be the series for you!

I have to say that I enjoyed this installment even more so than it's predecessor. Oliver was able to jam pack this book with plenty of action, mystery, some snarky humor, and moments that make you just go aww. I am not joking on that last one...not at all. There were times I, probably just like majority of the more secondary characters, was like, okay, we know exactly how you two feel...can you just let each other know already?! If you've read the previous books you definitely know which two I'm talking about too! The funny thing is, I'm not even mad about it either. Sometimes I want the love interests to just hurry up already and get it over with; however, I really am enjoying seeing Riley and Beck's dynamic. It's pretty stinkin' sweet and adorable. 

Additionally, another dynamic I am enjoying is that of the demon trappers and the hunters, and how they view their relationships with heaven and hell. I just really find the concept super interesting. The angels and Lucifer are definitely not what you would traditionally expect. Things are not always so black and white. 

As with the previous book, I am eagerly going to start the next one in the series. There are still so many questions that need to be answered! Furthermore, I just need to see more of my favorite characters!

February 17, 2021

Book Review: Soul Thief/Forbidden (Demon Trappers Book 2) by Jana Oliver

Title: Soul Thief (also known as Forbidden)
Author: Jana Oliver
Series: Demon Trappers
Pages: 339
My Rating: ❤❤❤❤

Riley Blackthorne is beginning to learn that there are worse things than death by demon. And love is just one of them...

Seventeen-year-old Riley has about had it up to here. After the devastating battle at the Tabernacle, trappers are dead and injured, her boyfriend Simon is gravely injured, and now her beloved late father's been illegally poached from his grave by a very powerful necromancer. As if that's not enough, there's Ori, one sizzling hot freelance demon hunter who's made himself Riley's unofficial body guard, and Beck, a super over-protective "friend" who acts more like a grouchy granddad. With all the hassles, Riley's almost ready to leave Atlanta altogether.

But as Atlanta's demon count increases, the Vatican finally sends its own Demon Hunters to take care of the city's "little" problem, and pandemonium breaks loose. Only Riley knows that she might be the center of Hell's attention: an extremely powerful Grade 5 demon is stalking her, and her luck can't last forever...

After reading the first installment of Oliver's Demon Trappers series, I knew that I absolutely loved the characters; however, I also wanted a little more depth, a little more emotion to them...just a little. And wow, I have to say that Oliver definitely delivered!

In Soul Thief we gain a bit more insight into Beck. Not a ton, but just enough to make you see that he is absolutely adorable and has so much to offer. I am by no means a crier when it comes to reading books, don't get me wrong, I'll get emotional, but tears don't typically fall. At one certain point in the book, a certain "revelation" involving Beck literally made me tear up. I couldn't help it! I just wanted to reach through the pages and give him a hug so bad. I mean come on, he has had some major struggles in his life and this particular moment just was the thing that made me feel for him even more, just because it is an issue that people still face, and something he is striving to overcome. I won't give away any spoilers, except just be ready for a very sweet, vulnerable Denver Beck. 

So, besides containing one of the most touching scenes, Soul Thief was also full of a little mystery. I really enjoyed getting to know one of the more friendly necromancers as Riley set out to find more information about who exactly reanimated her dad. It was interesting to dive a bit deeper into that world. 

Okay, so now onto Riley. As much as I love her, she makes some questionable decisions. Which, technically I can see why she makes the decisions that she does. She has just been through so much and I really just want to see her happy, which she actually is for a brief second in this book. On that note, I will say that Soul Thief is full of surprises, and not ones that I really saw coming. I was actually thrown for a loop a time or two! 

"The end is near!" The man shouted again
"Is there still time for hot chocolate?" Riley Asked.
The End Times guy blinked. "Ah, maybe; I don't know."
"Oh, good," she said. "I'd hate to take on Hell without fueling up."