Title: Trylle: The Complete Trilogy
Author: Amanda Hocking
Series: Trylle Trilogy
Pages: 912
My Rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
When Wendy Everly was six years old, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. Eleven years later, Wendy discovers her mother might have been right. She's not the person she's always believed herself to be, and her whole life begins to unravel--all because of Finn Holmes.
Finn is a mysterious guy who always seems to be watching her. Every encounter leaves her deeply shaken…though it has more to do with her fierce attraction to him than she'd ever admit. But it isn't long before he reveals the truth: Wendy is a changeling who was switched at birth--and he's come to take her home.
Now Wendy's about to journey to a magical world she never knew existed, one that's both beautiful and frightening. And where she must leave her old life behind to discover who she's meant to become…

I actually have a problem, no an addiction really, I cannot pass up
looking at the books in every store I go to. On one particular occasion,
I stumbled across a familiar author, Amanda Hocking. I picked up the
book and was instantly drawn in. A complete trilogy was conveniently
packaged into one and I thought that there was no way I could go wrong. I
ended up finishing the book in about three days, thanks to some
surprise snow days.
I know I'm rambling, so I'll get to the actual purpose of why I am typing
now. The YA sections are full of stories on vampires, werewolves,
faeries, and even zombies, but this was my first time experiencing
trolls. Before you think "Eww!" be aware that these trolls are very easy
on the eyes. They were quite different from the scary little things
that live under bridges. This was a good change from the usual
paranormal suspects.
Wendy Everly has never really fit in, and after an
explanation by her "stalker" Finn Holmes she learns why; She is trylle
(preferred term to troll). Being thrust into this strange new world she
never knew about is not her only problem, turns out she is a princess!
Anyone would love to be a princess, unless you find out that there is a rival
group and your kingdom is its main target! Wendy meets many people along
the way that help her adapt to and excel in her new role. On top of
everything she has to deal with, Wendy finds herself in a semi-love
triangle between Finn Holmes and Loki Staad. The two guys are very
different, and Wendy sees that. Unlike other love triangles, this one is
resolved in a way that provides a lot of closure. Wendy matures
throughout the trilogy and this is evident in her decision. Obviously I
am not going to tell who she ends up with, but I will tell you who I
rooted for throughout the book, and that was Loki. Hocking must have
been a huge fan of The Avengers, because her Loki is just like the one
from the Marvel film. He is witty, arrogant, and quite attractive.
The ending provides fantastic closure. It left me thinking about it days
after, but in a good way, not in a "What was this author thinking?" way.
I have seen that Hocking has written another series that takes place in
the same world as the trylle, and I hope to get my hands on that series